ID 724132
San Bernardino County
Owner Reference: 1849
Bid Date: 10/24/2024 at 11:00am
Pre-Bid: 10/03/2024
City of Ontario City Hall, 303 East "B" Street, Ontario, 91764.
Estimate: $13,100,000
Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Engineering & Infrastructure Building; Opportunities for Subcontractors
The work to be performed under the construction contract consists of, but is not limited to, traffic control, clearing and grubbing, protection and demolition of existing improvements within the public Right-of-Way, utility coordination, installing Class IV Bike Lanes on Mission Boulevard, new sidewalk, curb ramps, curb returns, slurry seal of existing pavement, pedestrian refuge passageways within the existing median, drainage features, grading, landscaping, irrigation, street lighting, traffic signal modifications to add video detection, and utility removal/relocations required for widened areas/new sidewalk. The Project also includes the installation of enhanced pedestrian crossings that include Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at 3 intersections and in-roadway warning lights. The Contractor is responsible for protecting all existing utility services within the project site and providing time and working space for utility relocations as may be required during construction activity. The Contractor is required to maintain traffic through the project site as required in these specifications. Other items of work or details not mentioned above that are required by the Plans, Specifications, or Technical Specifications, shall be performed, placed, constructed, and/or installed. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of Ontario CA
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Published 09/27/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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