ID 19184


SSB Construction

An Equal Opportunity Employer
is requesting quotations from all qualified
sub-contractors and/or material suppliers for the following project:

Site Work for New Relocatable Buildings at Bardin Elementary School
Located in Monterey County, CA

Owner: Alisal Unified School District

Bid Date:  10/03/2024 at 02:00pm

We are requesting bids for the following trades and/or material suppliers:
Electrical, Sitework

Bid documents can be viewed at or obtained from:

Relocation from stockpile for two 24'x40' classroom relocatable buildings (serial # C-23-3010 A/B, C-23-3011 A/B, and site work.

call or email for the plans

SSB Construction
1161 Terven Ave
Salinas, CA 93901

Phone: (831) 424-167  Fax:
Sara Manzo

Published Sep 18, 2024 on
Construction Bid Source a Trade and Focus Publication
located at
Phone: 1-888-786-9450 Fax: 209.772.3573