ID 19429


Leander Construction, Inc.

An Equal Opportunity Employer
is requesting quotations from all qualified
sub-contractors and/or material suppliers for the following project:

Reference: Project # 21-2050
Mendota WWTP Phase 1- Headworks & SCADA Upgrades
800 Washington St, Mendota, IL 61342
Located in LaSalle County, IL

Owner: City of Mendota

Bid Date:  10/17/2024 at 10:00AM

We are requesting bids for the following trades and/or material suppliers:
Precast Concrete, Masonry, Steel Erection, Roofing, Overhead Doors, Painting, Mechanical/HVAC, Process Piping, Electrical, Earthwork, Fencing, Seeding, SCADA 

Bid documents can be viewed at or obtained from:
General Contractor: Leander Construction 

A/E: Fehr Graham

Criteria for evaluation of proposals:

1.   Lowest Responsible bidder

2.   Previous Experience

3.    Scheduling of Work

Leander Construction, Inc.
24472 N. County Hwy. 6
Canton, IL 61520

Phone: 3092516408  Fax:
Todd Leander

Published Sep 18, 2024 on
Construction Bid Source a Trade and Focus Publication
located at
Phone: 1-888-786-9450 Fax: 209.772.3573