ID 728503
Maricopa County
Owner Reference: CS5-910-4862
Bid Date: 11/12/2024 at 04:00pm
Pre-Bid: 11/04/2024
Conference Attendance Information: Dial in number: 469-998-7682 Event number: 521 050 019#
Trades: *Janitorial, Building Cleaning, Custodian, Housekeeping, Window/Floor/Office Cleaning, Deodorizing Services
The Contractor shall provide the City with custodial services in park restrooms listed. The fixed monthly rate for restroom custodial services shall include all necessary labor, equipment, and supplies to perform the services as required. Work shall be performed seven (7) days a week, Monday through Sunday, including holidays. All restrooms shall be cleaned by 6:00 a.m. daily.
City of Chandler AZ
Saranna Davidson
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Published 10/29/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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