ID 710522


Landscape and Vegetation Management Services, Pima, AZ

Pima County

Owner Reference: 24000257

Bid Date: 07/02/2024 at 05:00pm

Pre-Bid: 06/18/2024
County will hold a Pre-Proposal Conference, via an MS Teams Meeting only, for the purpose of clarifying requirements and answering prospective Proposer questions. It is the responsibility of Prospective Proposers to familiarize themselves with all requirements of the solicitation and to identify any issues at the conference.

Trades: Vegetation Control & Wildfire Prevention: Burning, Fire Prevention, Mitigation & Mastication, R-21 - *Landscaping Contractor: Grounds Maintenance Grubbing Fertilizing Sodding Lawn Mowing Rooting Mulch Hardscaping Rockscaping

Contractor will provide the County with all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to provide routinely scheduled and as-needed Landscape and Vegetation Management Services within Pima County, including Ajo, AZ. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

County of Pima AZ
 Ladd Lyons
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Published 06/11/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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