ID 718300


4th Street Drainage Improvements, Prescott Valley, AZ

Yavapai County

Owner Reference: CIP #ST2406d

Bid Date: 09/09/2024 at 03:30pm

Pre-Bid: 08/26/2024
Prescott Valley Civic Center Room 330, 7501 E. Skoog Blvd, Prescott Valley, AZ.

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, Roadway Drainage, Stormwater, Manhole Covers & Valve Boxes, Culverts: Installation, Repair & Removal

The Town of Prescott Valley is seeking bids for the construction of the CIP #ST2406d – 4 th Street Drainage Improvements. In general, the work consists of grading and installation of erosion control surface treatments. Bonds required.

Town of Prescott Valley AZ
 Bill Osborne
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Published 08/18/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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