ID 724938
Alameda County
Owner Reference: 24-11640-C, 24-11666-C
Bid Date: 10/22/2024 at 02:00pm
Estimate: $2,400,000
Trades: *A&E Architecture & Engineering: Professional Services, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services
The work of this contract includes the following two work packages, to be performed by the selected contractor as a single project: Package A, Parker Street to Addison Street Bikeway, Specification No. 24-11640-C. Packge B, University West Bus Stop Improvements, Specification No. 24-11666-C. The work includes preparation and submittal of a Construction Phasing Plan, as well as Traffic Control Plans for each phase of work. The Contractor is responsible to obtain and comply with all necessary permits and approvals to perform the work. The Contractor is also responsible for coordinating its work with other upcoming and ongoing projects, operations, and maintenance activities by others.
City of Berkeley CA
Kenneth Jung via email
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Published 10/03/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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