ID 723509
Butte County
Bid Date: 10/11/2024 at 04:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/30/2024
via Microsoft Teams. Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 250 577 985 459 Passcode: JranHn Dial in by phone +1 916-272-0803,,498874480# United States, Sacramento Find a local number Phone conference ID: 498 874 480#
Estimate: $4,800,000
Trades: Class B - *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services with Subcontractor Opportunities, *A&E Architecture & Engineering: Professional Services, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services, Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Engineering & Infrastructure Building with Subcontractor Opportunities, C7 - Low Voltage Electrical Contractor (LVE): Residential Wiring, Telephone/Sound/Cable TV Systems, Fiberoptic, Fiber Optic, Ethernet
The City of Chico (“City”) will be soliciting proposals from Design-Build (“DB”) Entities to design and construct a last mile fiber optic network in the Fiber Utility Area Map (the “Project”). It is City’s intent to award a single contract to a selected DB Entity to deliver the Project. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of Chico CA
Joe Moralli
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Published 09/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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