ID 719203
Calaveras County
Owner Reference: 24-1040-05-912
Bid Date: 09/17/2024 at 03:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/04/2024
Bidders or their representatives shall meet at the Rock Creek Landfill, located at 12021 Hunt Road,
Farmington, CA 95230.
Estimate: $80,000.00
Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities
The project is located 12021 Hunt Road, Farmington, CA 95230. The work to be done as shown on the Construction Plans, generally consist of, but is not limited to: The furnishing of all labor, material, and equipment necessary for: Repairing final cover in damage area. Installing Geogrid in repair area. Tie-in new final cover to existing final cover. Regrading bench to drain to channel and downdrain. Installing downdrain and anchors. Installing grouted rock slope protection in the channel and downdrain inlet. Seeding the repaired area. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
County of Calaveras CA
Jamie Barger
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Published 08/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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