ID 721485
Imperial County
Owner Reference: SRFP 511
Bid Date: 10/01/2024 at 05:00pm
Trades: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Surveying, Mapping & Oblique Aerial Imaging: Drone Services; AeroScan Remote Sensing Tech, C12 - Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) NAICS 541370
Imperial Irrigation District (IID), an irrigation district established under Division 11 of the California Water Code, Sections 20500 et seq., that provides non-potable water, farm drainage and power services to the lower southeastern portion of California's desert, is requesting proposals from highly qualified Respondents to: Provide professional Aerial LiDAR services for IID K-Line Hardening project, the services include: Prepare and deliver a project plan including a proposed project schedule and detailed description of the proposed methodology, equipment and quality control process. Perform ground and aerial field surveys and capture of LiDAR, photo and video data. Process and deliver LiDAR, photo and video data. Prepare and deliver PLS-CADD (Power Line Systems – Computer Aided Design and Drafting) plan and profile models of the identified transmission lines. Prepare and deliver final PLS-CADD back up files and survey control documentation. Prepare and deliver Auto-CAD drawings (planimetric). Prevailing wages.
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) CA
Marty P. Holbrook
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Published 09/10/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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