Post Date Bid Date Project ID / Title
01/13/2025 01/28/2025 (738347) BVARA WWTP Tank Repair Recoat , Bakersfield, CA
12/17/2024 01/29/2025 (735161) NEW BID DATE 06-1C0104 Replace Radio Vault and Radio Tower , Kern County, CA
12/30/2024 01/29/2025 (736287) East Bakersfield High School Modernization Phase 1: Student Store and Shade Structure Installation , Bakersfield, CA
01/07/2025 01/29/2025 (737427) RFP: Centennial Plaza Fountain , Tehachapi, CA
01/10/2025 01/29/2025 (738025) Vista West Continuation High School 5-Year Portables: Electrical , Bakersfield, CA
01/10/2025 01/29/2025 (738027) Vista West Continuation High School 5-Year Portables: Concrete , Bakersfield, CA
01/10/2025 01/29/2025 (738028) Vista West Continuation High School 5-Year Portables: Demolition, Grading, and Asphalt , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 01/29/2025 (739925) Ridgeview High School: 5-Year Portables Demo, Grading, and Asphalt , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 01/29/2025 (739927) Ridgeview High School: 5-Year Portables Electrical and Fire Alarm , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 01/29/2025 (739931) Golden Valley High School Portable Building Replacement: Electrical and Fire Alarm , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 01/29/2025 (739932) Golden Valley High School Portable Building Replacement: Demo, Grading and Asphalt , Bakersfield, CA
01/21/2025 02/04/2025 (739720) RFP: Locksmith , Bakersfield, CA
12/16/2024 02/06/2025 (734897) Pioneer Canal Headgate Replacement , Bakersfield, CA
01/10/2025 02/11/2025 (738033) Rodeo Grounds Entrance Fencing and Landscaping , Tehachapi, CA
01/23/2025 02/11/2025 (740233) *REBID* Annual Contract for Janitorial Maintenance for 18th & Eye Parking Garage , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 02/12/2025 (739922) Shafter-Wasco Landfill Entrance Improvements , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 02/12/2025 (739934) District Office: Remodel Phase One , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 02/12/2025 (739938) Transportation Yard EVSE and Solar PV Phase I Construction , Bakersfield, CA
01/22/2025 02/14/2025 (739923) RFP: Network Infrastructure Equipment , Delano, CA
01/22/2025 02/14/2025 (739956) RFP: Wide Area Network (WAN) Connection , Delano, CA