ID 721159


Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Project, Long Beach, CA

Orange County

Owner Reference: WD-11-23

Bid Date: 10/17/2024 at 04:00pm

Pre-Bid: 09/17/2024
Microsoft Teams.

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

The Work includes furnishing products, labor, tools, transportation, and services to: Maintain water service and pressure to water system throughout construction. Follow City-approved traffic control plans. Set up and maintain traffic control devices throughout potholing and construction. Perform potholing operations to verify location of existing underground utilities and to measure outside diameter of existing large diameter pipelines (wherever tapping sleeves and couplings are proposed). Protect in place existing utilities. Excavate to expose existing pipelines, large valves, and small valves. Work will include exposing existing water lines at linestop locations. Construct linestop assemblies and anchor blocks. Isolate segments of existing water lines. Remove two existing 20-inch gate valves and replace with 20-inch butterfly valves, Remove and replace four small diameter gate valves, Remove approximately 40 lineal feet of 20-inch cast iron waterline and replace with 20-inch ductile iron waterline, Abandon approximately 147 lineal feet of 12-inch cast iron waterline, and replace with 12-inch ductile iron waterline, and Remove approximately 32 lineal feet of 6-inch cast iron waterline and replace with 6-inch ductile iron waterline. At the Orange Avenue and San Antonio Drive intersection: Remove two existing 20-inch gate valves and replace with 20-inch butterfly valves, Remove and replace two existing 12-inch gate valves, Remove approximately 30 lineal feet of 20-inch cast iron waterline and replace with 20-inch ductile iron waterline, and Remove approximately 86 lineal feet of 12-inch cast iron waterline, abandon approximately 77 lineal feet of 12-inch cast iron waterline, and replace with 12-inch ductile iron waterline. At the Stearns Street and Lakewood Boulevard intersection: Remove one existing 20-inch gate valve and replace with one 12-inch gate valve, Remove two existing 12-inch gate valves, Abandon existing 20-inch cast iron waterline, Remove and replace approximately 15 lineal feet of 30-inch cast iron waterline and replace with 30-inch ductile iron waterline, Construct approximately 24 lineal feet of 12-inch ductile iron waterline, and Remove approximately 53 lineal feet of 12-inch cast iron waterline and replace with 12-inch ductile iron waterline, and Remove existing fire hydrant and replace with 6-inch fire hydrant assembly. Pressure test and disinfect all project improvements. Backfill and recompact all excavations. Restore pavement to pre-construction conditions. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Long Beach Utilities (LB Utilities) CA
 Matthew Cruz
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Published 09/08/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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