ID 724113
Placer County
Owner Reference: 22019W
Bid Date: 10/28/2024 at 05:00pm
Pre-Bid: 10/07/2024
PCWA access gate located immediately east of 3825 Mammoth Drive, Loomis, CA 95650
Trades: C34 - Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera , Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Engineering & Infrastructure Building; Opportunities for Subcontractors
In accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Black & Veatch, the Work consists of the rehabilitation of the existing low level outlet pipe for the Mammoth Reservoir. Rehabilitation of the existing 20-inch steel outlet pipe includes CCTV inspections, cleaning surfaces of the existing pipe, repairs to existing voids in the pipe and outlet structure and installation of CIPP lining on the existing outlet pipe. The work also includes testing and the furnishing of all labor, materials, taxes, incidentals and equipment necessary for completion of this project.General Contractor must possess a valid State of California (CA) Class A General Engineering Contractor's License (License) and/or CA C34 Pipeline Contractor's License. The Contractor shall possess a valid Certificate of Reported Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) CA
Stephanie Wens
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Published 09/27/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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