ID 721252
San Diego County
Owner Reference: K-25-2338-DBB-3
Bid Date: 10/17/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/18/2024 Pre-bid site visit: September 23, 2024 at 9:30am, Penasquitos Pump station at 10150 Cara Way, San Diego, CA, 92131.
Estimate: $1,208,000
Trades: C10 - High Voltage Electrical Contractor (HVE): Transmission Lines, Power Lines, Venues, Arenas, Utility, Transformers
PQPS Gas Sensor Replacement: Replacement of two (2) sets of three (3) gas sensors (Oxygen, Methane Gases, and Hydrogen Sulfide) with updated gas sensors and controllers. Work Also includes demolishing the old system, re-pulling wires, installing the new sensors, coordinating the new sensors into the DCS system and starting the new system up. PQPS VFD Replacement: The Penasquitos Sewer Pump Station VFD Replacement Project includes the removal and replacement of four (4) Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs). This includes demolishing the old system, re-pulling new wires as necessary, installing the new VFDs, integrating the new VFDs into the DCS system in coordination with the Public Utilities Department (PUD), starting the new system up, and all work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of San Diego CA
Brittany Friedenreich
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Published 09/09/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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