ID 721690


Slurry Seal Group 2426, San Diego, CA

San Diego County

Owner Reference: K-25-2299-DBB-3

Bid Date: 10/16/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 09/25/2024

Estimate: $3,680,000

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities

Slurry Seal Group 2426 involves furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services, and construction related to surface seal work on existing paved roadways in various areas throughout the City of San Diego. The work includes: placement of rubber polymer modified slurry seal (RPMS) or placement of polymer modified rejuvenating emulsion (PMRE) for scrub seal and/or cape seal on 25.7 lane miles, crack sealing, removal of humps & pavement irregularities, asphalt mill and pave, and digouts, pavement base repairs, milling and disposal of pavement fabric, development of a QA/QC plan that includes inspection and testing for asphalt and surface seal work, replacing traffic signal detection loops and stub outs, adjusting existing City manhole frames and covers to grade, raising appurtenances to grade (water, sewer), raising survey monuments to grade, reconstructing survey monument boxes, street and sidewalk sweeping, removal and replacement of existing thermoplastic striping and markings/legends, implementation of new striping plans, traffic control drawings & permits, weed abatement, storm drain inlet protection, installation of inlet markings, sediment control, and possible night and weekend work. All work would occur within the public right-of-way (paved streets) or previously disturbed non-sensitive areas only, and outside of the City's Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA). No sensitive vegetation would be impacted or removed. Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion control preventing discharge, as well as Traffic Control Plan (TCP) would be implemented throughout construction. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

City of San Diego CA
 Juan Espindola
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Published 09/11/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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