ID 722192
Santa Clara County
Owner Reference: eRFP-PRC-FY25-0022
Bid Date: 10/17/2024 at 03:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/16/2024
via Microsoft Teams. Please use the following link: %40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220ac3202f-c3e9-4f56-830d017d09d16b3f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227c0c932f-8a23-4241-a168- e04c3adcb647%22%7d Call-in Number: +1 408-791-0743 Conference ID: 519 862 310#
Trades: C38 - Refrigeration Contractor: Freezers, Chiller Units, Cold Rooms, Venue Concession Appliances & Vending Machines, Suppliers
The County intends to procure a minimum of three (3) 1200-ton Electric Water-Cooled Chillers (Chillers) from an experienced and reliable manufacturer or manufacturer authorized provider. County highly desires that the delivery of the Chillers be made within 24 weeks upon notification of award. The Chillers covered under this solicitation will subsequently be used as part of Government Furnished and Contractor Installed (GFCI) equipment in any follow-on solicitation/s for any public works services. This RFP solicitation awarded provider (Contractor) will be responsible for all necessary products and related services, including but not limited to the Chillers and all required hardware, parts, accessories and supplies, warranty, permits, freight and delivery, and Post-Install Inspection for warranty validation. Contractor will work with and inform the County at every stage of the Chillers production from order placement, progress updates, timeline and delivery, and Post-Install Inspection.
County of Santa Clara CA
Jonathan Cholula
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Published 09/15/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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