ID 722526
Yolo County
Bid Date: 10/18/2024 at 12:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/19/2024
Beginning at Douglas Middle School, 525 Granada Dr., Woodland, CA.
Estimate: $10,066,668
Trades: Class B - *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities
By way of this Request for Proposals the Woodland Joint Unified School District seeks proposals from lease-leaseback contractors to provide pre-construction services and lease-leaseback construction services for the District’s Measure Y Capital Improvements Plan Projects – Group 2. This Project will be constructed using the lease-leaseback project delivery method authorized by Education Code section 17400 et seq. The District has contracted with the HMC Group (“Architect”) to be the Architect of Record for the Project, and the leaseleaseback Contractor will be expected to provide both pre-construction services and lease-leaseback construction services for the Project as described below: Scope of Work: Painting Scope – all campuses: Prepare separate packages for repainting all exterior surfaces as determined through site visits and discussions with District staff. Site Modernization Scope – all campuses: Add or remove and replace fencing and gates as determined through site visits and discussions with District staff to address security and safety at each site Provide required ADA upgrades / improvements (path-of-travel, as required by DSA and replace existing Replace existing asphalt (in parking areas) and concrete walks where required. Provide landscape design improvements at campus entry. Miscellaneous landscape improvements as required. Other miscellaneous site improvements per the direction of the District. Replace new trash enclosure (BES) Site Infrastructure to support future solar and EV charging (PES) Building Design – (WPES): Modify storefront at entry to accommodate new security entrance to campus. Add door hardware to accommodate new security entry. Other assigned scopes of work directed by WJUSD. Prequalification required. Prequalification documents must be submitted no later than October 8, 2024 by 12:00pm and can be found on the District page. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Woodland Joint Unified School District CA
Vicki Pulsifer
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Published 09/17/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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