ID 720316
Adams County
Owner Reference: 24-008741
Bid Date: 09/27/2024 at 11:00am
Trades: Low Voltage Electrical Contractor (LVE): Residential Wiring, Telephone/Sound/Cable TV Systems, Fiberoptic, Fiber Optic, Ethernet
The City of Brighton seeks the bid of qualified contractors to provide fiber optic cable installation services in multiple locations across the City. Salient features of the project include installation of fiber optic cable, tracer wire, and appurtenances in multiple locations; splicing of fiber optic cable; installation of conduit; and directional boring. Contractor shall be responsible to provide the City with all as-built documents, fiber certifications for each strand, and new splice sheets where applicable. All conduit shall be installed in right-of-way/privately owned land. Items which have not been specifically identified but are required for the completion of the work in an acceptable manner shall be considered inherent to the work and shall be the responsibility of the Bidder. Bonds required.
City of Brighton CO
Kelsey Archuleta
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Published 08/31/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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