ID 724096
Adams County
Owner Reference: 24-08
Bid Date: 10/21/2024 at 04:00pm
Pre-Bid: 10/07/2024
Zoom Link: 3Fpwd%3DJN4p0GJkYRBZgwbXbRjXPGqLrWf3Gm.1&sa=D&ust=1727731380000000&usg= AOvVaw33YJ64FsQw5k86KXXMyQr0 Meeting ID: 870 1435 6524 Passcode: 303966
Trades: CO-18 - Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310, CO-10 - Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310
Roadway Improvements and Drainage Improvements: Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
Town of Bennett CO
Robin Price
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Published 09/27/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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