ID 715269


Gypsum Town Hall Lobby Renovations, Gypsum, CO

Eagle County

Owner Reference: 2024-012

Bid Date: 08/15/2024 at 07:00pm

Pre-Bid: 08/01/2024
Town of Gypsum Community Development conference room at 50 Lundgren Blvd. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with and question the Town’s selection committee.

Trades: CO-21 - *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

The Town of Gypsum (Town) is seeking proposals to provide general contracting and construction services for renovation of the main lobby of the Town of Gypsum Tall Hall. The scope of the renovation includes: Completion of building, electric and mechanical permits Construction of 2 new office spaces including finishes. Reflooring the main lobby area (tile area, carpet behind the counter and in 3 of 4 of the existing offices) Addition of a privacy wall behind the main counter Associated lighting, electrical, and mechanical work

Town of Gypsum CO
 Jacob Rivera
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Published 07/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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