ID 721489
Broward County
Owner Reference: 24-032-0-2024/MAR
Bid Date: 10/10/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/19/2024
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Trades: Generator Contractor - Electrical & Power Provider, Backup Battery Systems & Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Systems
The City of Miramar is seeking a Contractor to furnish all labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment and incidentals, as necessary, for the installation of a new 250 KW Natural gas generator at Fire Station 19, and perform the removal of the existing 250 KW diesel generator inside the generator room, along with an existing 3000 gallon underground diesel generator tank located outside the building, and connecting the new generator directly with Florida City Gas, etc. The removal of the underground 3000-gallon diesel tank and restoration is to be done by a certified Pollutant Storage System Specialty Contractor (PSSSC).
City of Miramar FL
Brenda Martin
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Published 09/10/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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