ID 718921


**New Bid Date: Ultimate Urban Circulator (U2C) Phase III - Neighborhood Extensions Preliminary Design and Environmental (PD&E) Study, Jacksonville, FL

Duval County

Owner Reference: P-24-029

Bid Date: 10/07/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 08/27/2024
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Trades: *A&E Architecture & Engineering: Professional Services, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services, Developer: Construction Development and/or Urban Design, Urban Planning

The JTA intends to award a consultant to provide provide planning, environmental review documentation, and management support for the implementation of the U2C Neighborhood Extensions. The proposed U2C Neighborhood Extensions grew out of the Skyway Modernization undertaken by JTA in 2016. The Phase III concept will expand the existing Skyway Automated People Mover (Skyway) service beyond the limits of the current elevated infrastructure, using fully electric, autonomous vehicles to serve key destinations on the periphery of Downtown to include disadvantaged communities. Prevailing wages.

Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) FL
 JTA Procurement Portal - No Calls

Published 08/21/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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