ID 736441
Escambia County
Owner Reference: 25-020
Bid Date: 01/28/2025 at 02:30pm
Pre-Bid: 01/06/2025
Microsoft Teams at the following link:
Trades: CGC - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors, Roadway Drainage, Stormwater, Manholes & Valve Boxes, Ditches, Culverts, Shoulder Work, Underdrains, Dewatering, Water Swales
The intersection of 12th Avenue and Fairfield Drive has experienced issues with stormwater stacking in the road and creating hazardous driving conditions. This is due to the existing stormwater conveyance system being undersized for its contributing basin’s flow. This project will serve to increase the hydraulic capacity of the conveyance system by enlarging the curb inlet top and installing a new stormwater conveyance route into the existing/downstream conveyance system. Bonds required.
City of Pensacola FL
Purchasing Department
Published 12/30/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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