ID 727622


Goldenrod Road Resurfacing SR528 to Lee Vista [project no. 800-904, Brevard, FL

Orange County

Owner Reference: 002156

Bid Date: 11/20/2024 at 01:30pm

Pre-Bid: 10/28/2024
CFX Headquarters Building located at 4974 ORL Tower Road, Orlando, Florida, 32807. Interested parties may attend either in person or virtually by utilizing the below link in the bid documents or phone number and conference id. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss requirements of the project in an open forum. Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 233 386 673 231 Passcode: gzMpLd Dial in by phone +1 321-235-6136,789858207# United States, Orlando.

Trades: CGC - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Engineering & Infrastructure Building; Opportunities for Subcontractors , Earthwork & Paving Contractor, Asphalt, Land Clearing, Path & Trail Construction: General Engineering Contractor

The work consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary for the milling and resurfacing along Goldenrod Road (SR 551) form Cargo Road to Lee Vista Boulevard and pavement markings from Cargo Road to Hoffner Avenue. Work also includes the replacement of guardrail, sidewalk replacement, pond regrading, drainage work, signing and pavement marking, and some signalization work in Orange County. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Central Florida Expressway Authority FL
 Construction Project 599-171
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Published 10/23/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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