ID 720331
Pinellas County
Owner Reference: 24-TM-009
Bid Date: 09/26/2024 at 03:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/13/2024
Walter Pownall Service Center, 11111 Belcher Rd. S. Largo, FL 33773 in the Maintenance Training Room
Estimate: $700,000.00/year
Trades: Earthwork & Paving Contractor, Asphalt, Land Clearing, Path & Trail Construction: General Engineering Contractor, CU - Excavation & Grading Contractor: Blasting, Boring, Trenching, Backfill, Digging - General Engineering Contractor
The purpose of this bid is to select a qualified “Contractor” to provide all labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary to perform Earthwork: Excavation, Filling & Grading Services including but not limited to the following work at various facilities, countywide per specifications: A. Clearing and grubbing of roots and stumps and other materials. B. Fill and grading for play fields, football practice fields and other grassed areas. C. Preparing sub-grades for slabs-on-grade, foundations, walks and pavements. D. Excavating, backfilling and compaction for utilities systems. E. Excavating, backfilling and compaction for buildings and structures. F. Perform rough and finish grading utilizing laser guided equipment to achieve required elevations. The prime contractor shall be a Florida licensed Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor. Bonds required.
Pinellas County School District FL
Published 08/31/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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