ID 719536
Queen Anne's County
Owner Reference: BPM046032
Bid Date: 09/16/2024 at 01:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/11/2024
Queen Anne’s County Department of Parks and Recreation located at 1945 4H Park Rd. Centreville, MD 21617.
Trades: Vegetation Control & Wildfire Prevention: Burning, Fire Prevention, Mitigation & Mastication
The Department of Parks & Recreation manages multiple properties and areas through Queen Anne’s County. It has developed an Invasive Vegetation Management Program with which to manage weeds, grasses, trees and vines considered to be noxious and invasive. “Invasives” outcompete and threaten the proliferation of native vegetation vital to native wildlife habitat. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is intended to identify multiple qualified vendors with whom to contract for invasive vegetation control and other related natural resource management services on the parklands owned by Queen Anne’s County and managed by the Department.
County of Queen Anne's MD
Beryl Eismeier
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Published 08/26/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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