ID 720222


Whittell Forest & Wildlife Area- Conifer Removal & Meadow Restoration, Reno NV

Washoe County

Owner Reference: 9000

Bid Date: 09/17/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 09/06/2024

Trades: Class A - *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, Tree Service Contractor: Trimming/Pruning Trees, Stump & Tree Removal/Rooting/Grinding

The contractor will be responsible for harvesting all conifers (regardless of size) across the 30- acre project area using a ground-based cut-to-length (CTL) system. Trees range in size from less than one inch in diameter up to twenty-eight inches, and as tall as eighty feet in height. A majority of the trees are between 5-14 inches DBH and 30-60 feet in height. Felling may be conducted by hand fallers or mechanized harvesters. Hand falling will be required in select areas that contain wet and unstable soils year-round, where trees must be lined out to stable soil areas. Felled trees should be processed at or near the stump (except for those in perpetual wet areas), and roundwood forwarded to the landing where it will be decked (Figure 1). Processed logs will not be taken offsite once at the landing. To reduce the risk of damage to soils in the riparian and meadow system, low ground pressure equipment must be used, typically eight or ten wheeled machines, or, wide or long tracked machines. Such equipment generally produces ground pressures of less than 8 pounds per square inch (unladen). Harvesting operations in the stream side and riparian areas should occur on slash mats to the greatest extent possible, and all forwarding operations in both the riparian and meadow areas must occur on slash mats to reduce impacts to soils. Surrounding vegetation, including live trees, shrubs, brush, or any material may be cut as it is necessary as part of prepping the operation area and/or for safety purposes. In lieu of marking trees, the harvest boundary will be flagged, and all conifers within the boundary will be removed. Prior to work commencing, the Forest Manager will meet with the contractor on site to ensure the project boundaries are understood. Slash Forwarding and Processing: Following forwarding of roundwood to the landing, slash must be collected and forwarded to the landing to be ground/chipped. No slash should be left within 200ft of the watercourse, and >95% of all slash should be removed from the project area. Slash mats will be collected at the end of operations, and no slash should be left in the meadow system. All clean slash will be ground/chipped at the landing. Chipped slash will not be hauled offsite and will remain at the landing, but may be spread across the landing and road to reduce pile size. Landing Preparation: The contractor will be responsible for prepping the approximately 5-acre landing. This includes mastication of primarily bitterbrush <3ft in height across most of the landing site, as well as the cutting and processing of ~50 mature pines, primarily lodgepole & Jeffery, up to 32 inches in diameter (Figure 6-7). Riparian Operations & Remediation: A substantial portion of the project operations will take place within the Stream Environment Zone (SEZ, 50 feet either side of the stream) of Franktown Creek. Stream crossings for heavy equipment will be required. The furnishing, installation, and removal is the responsibility of the Contractor. Crossings should be minimal in number and locations will be decided in consultation with the Forest Manager. Crossing must not restrict the flow of water and must have adequate erosion and sediment controls during installation, use, and removal. Temporary timber bridges are preferred. The creek channel is not more than 16 feet wide, and typically is between 6-8 feet wide. Riparian and stream zone best management practices (BMPs) should be followed to reduce impacts to soils and watercourses. These include: • Equipment used on the project shall be decontaminated of seeds, soil, and other materials prior to entering and upon exiting the stream environment zone to reduce the introduction and spreading of noxious weed seeds. • Shrub type willows, alder, and aspen trees can be treated as needed for access, though 50 to 75 percent of these plants must remain un-impacted by operation activities. • Tree felling is to be conducted by qualified personnel familiar with operating in these sensitive habitat types. • All trees to be felled within the SEZ shall be directionally felled away from the watercourse to the greatest extent possible. • Heavy equipment should limit entry into the SEZs to the greatest extent possible. • Harvesting equipment should generally remain outside of the SEZ and reach into harvest trees whenever possible. • Limit damage to residual trees and vegetation. • All work within the SEZ must occur when soil conditions are dry and stable and must not cause significant soil disturbance or vegetation damage. • Refueling of chainsaws and equipment shall be done at least 50 feet away from steam banks and wet meadows. • Primary forwarding trails should be located as far as possible away from watercourse. • Slash or course woody debris deposited into watercourses during operations must be removed. • Ensure that equipment is leak free. Excessive damage to soils, banks, or waterways beyond the typical scope of operations will be the responsibility of the contractor to remediate at their own cost. This includes but is not limited to; excessive rutting from equipment tires, deposition of material into channels, substantial alteration to bank shape or height, and substantial damage or alteration to channel width or shape. The contractor is responsible for furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete and comply with the terms of any signed contract. The contractor is also responsible for minimizing the risk of fire starts from operations as well as maintaining equipment necessary to suppress a wildfire start in accordance with NRS 528.070. A written fire plan is preferred. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

University of Nevada at Reno (UNR) NV
 Sarah Binger-Grosjean
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Published 08/30/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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