ID 716384


PM & Repair of HVAC Systems, All Mercer County Agencies & Cooperative Purchasing System Members, Mercer Co., NJ

Mercer County

Owner Reference: CK09MERCER2024-11

Bid Date: 08/16/2024 at 11:30am

Trades: HVAC Contractor: Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning & Controls, Air Handler/Air Chillers. Includes RTU's

The County of Mercer request bids for preventive maintenance and repair of HVAC Systems throughout Mercer County and the Mercer County Cooperative Contract Purchasing System. This contract excludes the Mercer County Library System. Bidders shall provide an hourly rate based upon labor classification for repair of HVAC units. Winning Contractor will extend contract prices to the "County Cooperative Contract Purchasing System" Participants. The Mercer County Buildings and Grounds has 35 facilities that require servicing. The Mercer County Park Commission has approximately 19 facilities that require servicing this is in addition to Arm and Hammer Waterfront Park; this facility alone has 23 individual HVAC units. In such cases the duly authorized County representative will notify the contractors of the repair or system installation work required. The County representative will define the designated work site and nature of the work to be performed. The County will require two detailed proposal quotes from the two contractors for all projects with an estimated cost exceeding $7,500.00. The contractor that provides the lowest quoted proposal must then report to the site to commence work. For emergency work, the County reserves the right to use the first respondent to the emergency call. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

County of Mercer NJ
 Oprah Hibbert
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Published 08/05/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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