ID 713554


RFQ: 2024 Pre-Development & Site Analysis, Pittsboro, NC

Chatham County

Bid Date: 07/23/2024 at 05:00pm

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services, Door Service Contractor: Including Bay Doors, Gates, Activating Devices & Overhead/Garage Door Opener

Chatham County, North Carolina is directly west of Wake County and the state capital North Carolina, Raleigh. Chatham County is quickly growing due to major investments being made in the county, which will cause a large increase in governmental service needs and employee recruitment over the coming decades. As a function of this growth, a County Complex will be developed and built over the next several years, facilitating movement of county employees from the County’s properties in Downtown Pittsboro, to county property on Renaissance Drive. As a function of this move, and in accordance with NC General Statutes, Chatham County in partnership with the Town of Pittsboro is soliciting qualifications from firms experienced in providing pre-development services to analyze downtown properties for viable redevelopment options. Interested firms must include information describing how they are equipped to facilitate such an undertaking and what experience they may have with this service. Chatham County reserves the right to reject all submittals and will award them in the best interest of Chatham County and the project. CChatham County is planning the construction of a new county complex, necessitating the eventual vacating of various existing buildings over the next several years. This initiative aims to address challenges such as outdated infrastructure and increased demand for services. Once these buildings are vacated, the county and Town of Pittsboro seek to leverage this opportunity for community economic development and an increase in housing inventory, particularly affordable housing options. To facilitate this process, Chatham County is seeking a firm to assist in pre development analysis. Following the completion of the project, the findings will be utilized to guide future steps, which may include issuing requests for proposals from developers or informing the county's decision-making process. With the growth of Chatham County and Pittsboro, the local governments seek to examine various mixed-use development possibilities for their properties, encompassing commercial ventures that enhance the downtown area, recreational facilities, communal spaces for gatherings, alongside options for affordable housing and market-rate multifamily residential units. To facilitate this, the chosen firm will provide market analysis, parcel analysis, site analysis, stakeholder engagement, and financial feasibility modeling to the local governments, to discover economically feasible redevelopment options for chosen sites driven by market demand, while also aligning with the public interests of the local community. Once development partners are identified through this modeling, and options are chosen by the local governments, the chosen firm would follow through with assisting the governments in public-private partnership development agreement negotiations through project completion. The following are the sites to be involved in the project. These sites have been differentiated as a primary, and two add alternates based on proposal budget: • Primary: A 15.5-acre collection of County-owned and one Habitat for Humanity parcel along West Street that includes the former School Central Services building, MIS building, Property Tax and Water Payment Center, and current Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, which would also occupy the future County services complex. • Add Alternate 1: A 1.25-acre Town-owned parcel on W. Salisbury Street. • Add Alternate 2: A collection of eight County-owned properties, southeast of the traffic circle and north of the courthouse, that currently serve as County offices and will be vacated in several years once a new centralized County services complex is built.

County of Chatham NC
 Michele Peluso, PM, via email
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Published 07/11/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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