ID 709408


SOURCES SOUGHT SOF Aircraft Maintenance Hangar, Ft Liberty, NC

Cumberland County

Owner Reference: W912PM25R0001, PN 93099

Bid Date: 06/28/2024 at 02:00pm

Estimate: $50.0M - $100.0M

Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. The project will construct a four bay fixed and rotary wing aircraft operations and maintenance hangar that includes maintenance bays for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, flight detachment administration and operations, maintenance support, tool and parts storage, and shop space. The facility will include 1.5-ton bridge cranes for each fixed wing bay, 0.75-ton bridge cranes for each rotor wing bay, oil water separator, and separate oil and hazardous material storage areas. The unscheduled maintenance bay includes a wash rack with catch basin and collective water recycling system. Built-in building systems include fire alarm/mass notification, fire suppression, energy management controls, advanced communications network, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), electronic access control, Energy Monitoring Control Systems (EMCS) connection, and a protected distribution system (PDS). The project includes construction of a new hangar access apron, hangar parking apron, and associated lighting for airfield pavements. Other supporting facilities include all related sitework and utilities (electrical, water, gas, sanitary sewer, and information system distribution), lighting, parking, access drives, roads, curb and gutter, sidewalks, landscaping, and other site improvements. Special construction includes sustainable construction features complying with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) “Silver”. Located on Fort Liberty, NC. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

US Department of the Army (USACE) NC
 Shaun McKenna, email only
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Published 06/01/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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