ID 713602


RFQ - Comprehensive Unified Development Ordinance Update, Pinehurst, NC

Moore County

Bid Date: 07/26/2024 at 02:00pm

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services, Developer: Construction Development and/or Urban Planning

The Village of Pinehurst is soliciting proposals from qualified firms with expertise in researching, evaluating, writing, and consolidating land use regulations to complete a comprehensive update of the Village’s Development Ordinance (PDO). Originally adopted in its current form in 2005, it has been amended numerous times over the years and is ready for a comprehensive update. A new development ordinance is needed that addresses the following. • Modernizes and updates development standards and criteria, subdivision standards, definitions, uses, etc. and consistency with strategies of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Envision the Village and trends over time. • Implements the findings of the Village Place and Pinehurst South Small Area Plans and Form Based Guidance Plans using recommendations prepared during that process. • Eliminates disorganization and creates a document that is more easily read and simplifies user needs. • Streamlines processes and clarifies submittal requirements for the level of decision required. • Streamlines and improves enforcement processes by developing clear and objective standards and removing subjectivity. • Addresses new and evolving technology and terminology. • Provides user-friendly graphics. • Considers conversion of appropriate special use permits to use-by-right approvals subject to special requirements or conditional zoning. • Evaluates reasonableness and effectiveness of special requirements.

Village of Pinehurst NC
 Alex Cameron, P&I Director
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Published 07/12/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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