ID 739331


Port Vandemere Pressure Sewer Project **Re-Bid**, Vandemere, NC

Pamlico County

Owner Reference: 20230024

Bid Date: 01/21/2025 at 02:00pm

Trades: *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors, Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera

Base Bid:• Approximately 4,731 LF of 4-inch pressure sewer main, and 1,745 LF of 3-inch pressure sewer main on Griggs Road (non-NCDOT) and Vandemere Creek Drive (non-NCDOT). • Connection to an existing 2-inch pressure sewer main on Shell Castle Lane. • Connection to an existing 2-inch pressure sewer main on Grigg's Road. • Connection to the existing 4-inch pressure sewer main on Pennsylvania Avenue (NC 307) • Valves and accessories as shown on the plans. • Neither the individual step pumps and tanks nor the services are included in the contract. These will be constructed by the lot owners. Only the mains are constructed under this contract. • Erosion control, grading, and testing for the new water main. Bid Alternates are included in the bid documents for potential extension of the work along Shell Castle Drive, Royal Shoal Lane, and Vandemere Creek Drive. These are listed in priority order and may be selected in the order listed on the bid form until available funds are all allocated. Bonds required.

Town of Vandemere NC
 Todd Tripp (The East Group)

Published 01/18/2025 on Construction Bid Source

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