ID 713267


RFQ Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Design-Build, Holly Springs NC

Wake County

Bid Date: 07/31/2024 at 04:00pm

Estimate: $67,112

Trades: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Contractor

Project site: Fire Station 2, located at 1140 Avent Ferry Rd., Holly Springs, NC 27540, is a single-story fire house that has staff living quarters including bunk rooms and kitchen, offices, and an apparatus bay for vehicles and equipment. The Town of Holly Springs (“the Town”) is requesting qualifications from a design-builder to design, build, and commission a “turnkey” roof-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) project at Holly Springs Fire Station 2, located at 1140 Avent Ferry Rd., Holly Springs, NC 27540. The anticipated size of the PV system is approximately 25.2 kW DC. Qualified respondents shall have demonstrated experience designing, planning, scheduling, permitting, and constructing complete solar electric systems, have relationships with/knowledge of local utilities, provide project financial analysis and rebate support, provide system monitoring and maintenance, and have established onsite safety standards. 10% M/W/SBE responses are encouraged. The solar array project at Fire Station 2 will offset grid electricity, reduce monthly electricity costs at the facility, and accomplish actions identified in the Town’s Sustainability Action Plan and Town Council’s Strategic Plan. The project will be funded by a federally awarded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG).

Town of Holly Springs NC
 Brettany DeVolld, PM
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Published 07/09/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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