RFQ: Town of Apex Comprehensive Plan, Apex, NC

Wake County

Bid Date: 12/19/2024 at 04:00pm

Trades: Developer: Construction Development, Master Plans, Comprehensive Plans, Urban Planning & Suburban Planning , *A&E Architecture, Engineering Services & Design: Professional, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The Town of Apex, North Carolina, is seeking the services of a qualified firm, or team of firms, to provide professional land use, transportation planning, landscape architecture, and engineering services for the development of a new comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan will holistically address both land use and multi-modal transportation for the Town of Apex planning area over the next 30 years (2055). General Background: The current transportation plan, Advance Apex: The 2045 Transportation Plan, was adopted in 2019. As part of that planning process, a limited review and update of land use was also completed and an updated 2045 Land Use Map was adopted. The plans also incorporated recommendations from Bike Apex, the Town’s first Comprehensive Bicycle Plan. Since the adoption of Advance Apex, the Town has continued to grow. Our population around the time of plan adoption was 55,000 and our current population is nearly 80,000. Substantial development has occurred or is proposed along the US 64 corridor, Old US 1 corridor and along NC 55 south of US 1. Notable land use changes include: the extension of Apex into Chatham County with the development of an industrial center at US 64 and NC 751, near-completion of the Town’s certified economic development site along Production Drive, new affordable housing along Apex Peakway, several new schools, and construction of mixed-use development along US 64 at Richardson Road (Sweetwater) and along Old US 1 at Apex Barbecue Road (Depot 499). Transportation infrastructure development overall has had both delays and advancements. Several state-led major transportation improvement projects expected at the time of Advance Apex have been delayed due to budget constraints, including: new interchanges along US 64 (U-5301), widening of NC 55 (U-2901), and widening of Ten Ten Road (U5825). Some progress has been made to complete or improve high-priority road corridors identified in Advance Apex, including the start of construction of the Apex Peakway Southwest Connector between South Salem Street and James Street. The Town has made substantial progress on completing sidewalk connections across Town, with a focus on safe routes to schools, and has been operating the first local transit route, GoApex Route 1, for two years. Planning has continued since the adoption of Advance Apex. A Downtown Master Plan and Parking Study was adopted in 2019; the Town’s first Affordable Housing Plan was adopted in 2021; a Vision Zero Action Plan was adopted in 2022; and a Parks, Recreation, Cultural Resources, Greenways and Open Space Master Plan was adopted in 2023. The Town also worked with NCDOT on a Transit-Oriented Development Study along the S-Line rail corridor in 2023 and with Wake County on an updated Hazard Mitigation Plan approved in 2024. In addition, the Town is nearing completion of the Western Big Branch Area Plan: Encompassing Portions of the Friendship and New Hill Communities and has a transit prioritization study underway. Most of these plans and maps can be found at www.apexnc.org/1378/Maps-and-Plans. The comprehensive plan should address these changes, plan for the Town’s current and future land use and transportation needs, provide ample opportunities for citizens to express their vision and goals related to land use and transportation, prioritize transportation projects, make action-oriented recommendations, and identify funding sources. In addition, it is anticipated that the comprehensive plan will include a corridor-specific focus along NC 55. This corridor is anticipated to be of particular focus given the upcoming NCDOT improvement project (U-2901), the identification of numerous segments of the corridor along the Town’s High Injury Network, the anticipated importance of the corridor for the growth of transit, and the substantial development anticipated south of US 1 associated with Veridea and other projects.

Shannon Cox
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Owner: Town of Apex NC

Published 12/10/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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