ID 710337


Pest Control Services, Belton TX

Bell County

Owner Reference: 15-25

Bid Date: 07/09/2024 at 02:00pm

Trades: *Exterminating & Pest Control Services: Control of Termites, Birds, Animal or Wildlife Trapping, Rodents & Fumigation)

The contract shall include full exterminating services and is to include, but not be limited to, mice, roaches, ants, silverfish, scorpions, spiders, termites, and other crawling insects and pests and the periodic eradication of birds, and rats (including bait boxes for each location), in various County buildings and facilities. The Contractor shall supply all labor, tools, materials, equipment, protective coverings, permits, licenses, chemicals, transportation, and supervision necessary to perform the integrated pest control management services required under the contract.

County of Bell TX
 Tina Adams
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Published 06/10/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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