ID 711153


RFQ: Engineering Services for "Heavy Haul Road”, Baytown, TX

Chambers County

Owner Reference: PIDP4076 - #03

Bid Date: 08/06/2024 at 03:00pm

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The selected engineering firm will develop and deliver engineering plans and specifications for the barge terminal facility improvement project to include: Heavy Haul Road. The selected design team will be responsible for preparing and submitting the Heavy Haul Road drawings and permit applications for the project on behalf of CPNID. The selected engineering firm will not be responsible for development of barge dock expansion or dredge design engineering.

Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX
 Brock Lewis
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Published 06/18/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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