ID 711155


RFP: Consulting Services for Grant Administration, NEPA, and Title VI Compliance, Baytown, TX

Chambers County

Owner Reference: PIDP4076 - #01

Bid Date: 08/06/2024 at 03:00pm

Trades: Financial Consulting & Grant Writing, Disaster Cost Recovery, Administration & Management Services, *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The selected consultant firm will develop and deliver thorough and complete NEPA Documentation in accordance federal grant funding requirements. Appendix B provides MARAD NEPA guidance documents for reference. Appendix C provides a general checklist of grant administration and NEPA requirements for general reference and is not considered an all-inclusive scope. Grant management support during all grant phases; pre-award, execution, implementation, and closeout. Grant management and support could include, but is not limited to: Develop documents and complete tasks necessary to achieve pre-award phase compliance as dictated by MARAD. Support needed to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Public outreach, as needed. Support needed to ensure compliance with BABA requirements. Other support, as requested. Develop and deliver thorough and complete NEPA documentation consistent with MARAD requirements. Provide a base price that includes the Environmental Assessment and an added alternative price if an Environmental Impact Study is needed. Selected firm will be responsible for the completion of the MARAD NEPA checklist and associated documentation in accordance with MARAD requirements for the PIDP grant program including but not limited to scope listed below: Soil, geology, seismicity. Air quality (general conformity, climate change, and GHG). Hazardous materials and waste management. Noise and Vibration. Climate Change and GHG Social Justice. Public Services and Utilities. Water Quality. Surface and Ground Waters. Wetlands and Waters of the US. Floodplains. Fish and Wildlife. T&E species and critical habitat. DOT Section 4(f) and parks/recreational resources. Cultural and Tribal resources. Environmental Justice. Traffic and safety. Land Use and visual impacts. EIS/EA as required by MARAD and field surveys as needed.

Cedar Port Navigation & Improvement District TX
 Brock Lewis
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Published 06/18/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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