ID 724833


Bethany Elementary School Systems & Compliance Project, Plano, TX

Collin County

Owner Reference: CSP 2024-12-045

Bid Date: 10/22/2024 at 03:00pm

Pre-Bid: 10/08/2024
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 380 446 7644. Passcode: 9S5Att. Onsite Pre-Bid Meeting October 14, AT 1:30 PM. Please pre-register at:

Estimate: $425,000,000 and $25,000 owner's contingency

Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services; Opportunities for Subcontractors, HVAC Contractor: Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning & Controls, Air Handler/Air Chillers. Includes RTU's, Non-Electrical Signs & Signage Contractor: Interior Advertising or Wayfinding, Painting Contractor: Exterior/Interior Finish, Decorating; Interior Wallpaper & Wall Coverings

SCOPE OF WORK: MEP items of work to include complete replacement of the temperature controls and energy management system. Several utility and chilled/heating water system flow meters are being added as a part of the controls system rework. Pertinent TAB and Commissioning included but paid for and directed by the PISD. Architectural work includes replacement/addition of signage on the site. There will be some incidental patching/painting and ceiling removal/reinstallation related to the MEP scope of work. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Plano ISD Independent School District TX
 Veronica Couzynse
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Published 10/02/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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