ID 720232
Comal County
Owner Reference: 0021420.01
Bid Date: 09/25/2024 at 01:30pm
Pre-Bid: 09/10/2024
Trades: Road Improvements: Pavement Resurface Seal Coat for Highway Roads Bridge Dam Overpass, Runways - NAICS 237310, Excavation & Grading Contractor: Blasting, Boring, Trenching, Backfill, Digging - General Engineering Contractor, Roadway Drainage, Stormwater, Manhole Covers & Valve Boxes, Culverts: Installation, Repair & Removal
The City of New Braunfels (OWNER) invites bidders to provide sealed bids for the construction of Weltner Road Improvements consisting of demolition and street improvements of approximately 0.75 mi. The project will also include grading, drainage and erosion control. Sealed Bids are invited to be submitted to Westwood Professional Services, Inc., 211 N Loop 1604 E, Suite 205, San Antonio, Texas 78232, until 2:00 p.m. Local Time, Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, and then publicly opened and read on the same day. All blanks in the document and bid form must be completed. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of New Braunfels TX
Mickey Gashaw
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Published 08/30/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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