ID 721572
Guadalupe County
Owner Reference: AF-2024-06
Bid Date: 10/08/2024 at 04:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/24/2024
Utilities Operation Center Training Room located at 3027 North River Street, Seguin, Texas 78155.
Trades: Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera , *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities
Principal items of construction will include installation of approximately 24,024 LF of 24-Inch, 16-Inch and 8-Inch PVC water main by open cut and 734 LF of steel casing by bore. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of Seguin TX
Ashley Bruns
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Published 09/10/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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