ID 720732


IFB 2024DD-02 - Kyle WWTP NPW Pump Station, Kyle, TX

Hays County

Owner Reference: IFB 2024DD-02

Bid Date: 09/23/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 09/10/2024
City of Kyle Public Works Building, 520 E. RR 150, Kyle, Texas 78640.

Trades: Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction & Repairs WWTP/OSSF OnSite Sewer Facilities Lift Station-General Engineering Contractor, Machinery and Pumps Contractor, Reservoirs, Lakes, Streams, Ponds, Channels, Water Barriers, Aquatic Plants, Wetland Restoration, Living Shorelines NAICS 562998, Demolition Contractor, Building Moving, Wrecking: General Engineering Contractor or General Building Contractor

The Work consists of the construction of a new non-potable water (NPW) pump station and all appurtenances at the Kyle WWTP. The work includes installation of four (4) vertical turbine pumps (VTPs) in cans, suction connection to the existing post-aeration basin influent channel, discharge connections to the plant NPW system and to the existing effluent line to the Plum Creek Golf Course, a chlorine gas feed system, all required electrical and controls, demolition of existing NPW linework, and demolition of existing VTPs. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

City of Kyle TX
 Dan Dellemonache
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Published 09/04/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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