ID 722746
Karnes County
Owner Reference: 20240911-002
Bid Date: 09/27/2024 at 10:00am
Pre-Bid: 09/25/2024
Karnes County Auditor's Office Located at 119 N. Browne, Karnes City, TX 78118.
Trades: Suppliers
These goods and services will be procured via the use of one or more on-call term indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contracts, based on unit prices submitted. One or more contracts may be awarded at the COUNTY’s discretion for Karnes County FY 24-25, with an option to extend the contract through FY 26-27 as described in the bid package.
County of Karnes TX
Road & Bridge Department
Published 09/18/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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