ID 715561
Rockwall County
Owner Reference: 2022123
Bid Date: 09/10/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 08/01/2024
City of Rockwall, City Hall located at 385 S. Goliad, City Hall - 2nd Floor, Rockwall, Texas 75087, in the Council Chambers Conference Room.
Trades: *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities, Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction & Repairs WWTP/OSSF OnSite Sewer Facilities Lift Station-General Engineering Contractor, Sanitation System, Sewer Connection & Septic Tanks & Systems Contractor: OnSite Sewage Facility (OSSF); CIPP liners, Pipeline Contractor: Water Mains, Water Lines, Sewer Lines + Related Structures; Includes Pipe Inspection Camera , Roadway Drainage, Stormwater, Manhole Covers & Valve Boxes, Culverts: Installation, Repair & Removal
Little Buffalo Creek Wastewater System Improvements: As set forth in the plans and specifications, the project is designed to complete the following approximate quantities of work: Little Buffalo Creek Sanitary Sewer: 1,700 Linear Feet (LF) of 15-inch SDR-26 PVC Sanitary Sewer w/ Embedment by Open Cut. 2,500 LF of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC Sanitary Sewer w/ Embedment by Open Cut. 400 LF of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC Sanitary Sewer By Other Than Open Cut w/ 14-inch Steel Encasement Pipe (1/4-inch Wall). Seventeen Sanitary Sewer Manholes (Diameters ranging from 4-foot to 6-foot). Lake Rockwall Estates Sanitary Sewer. 11,300 LF of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC Sanitary Sewer w/ Embedment by Open Cut. 460 LF of 8-inch SDR-26 PVC Sanitary Sewer By Other Than Open Cut w/ 14-inch Steel Encasement Pipe (1/4-inch Wall). Thirty Sanitary Sewer Manholes (Diameters ranging from 4-foot to 5-foot). 15,000 LF 4-inch SDR-35 PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Laterals w/ Embedment by Open Cut. 50 LF 4-inch SDR-35 PVC Sanitary Sewer Service Lateral By Other Than Open Cut w/ 8-inch Steel. Encasement Pipe (1/4-inch Wall). Abandonment of 140 Existing On-Site Sewer Facilities (e.g., Septic Tanks). Transfer of 140 Existing Sanitary Sewer Services to New 8-inch Sanitary Sewer, Including Furnishing & Installing New Sanitary Sewer Service on Private Property, and associated surface restoration (driveways, fences, etc.). 23,400 Square Yards (SY) of Asphalt Pavement Reclamation, including Preparation of Cement Stabilized. Base (with Scarifying, Mixing and Shaping) and Placement of 2-inch-Thick Type āDā HMAC Surface Course. FM 3097 Lift Station No. 1 Upgrades. Furnish & Install Two 107-HP Submersible Wastewater Pumps, including Removal of Existing Pumps and Equipment, and Installation of new Rails, Brackets, Elbows, Discharge Piping, and Electrical Improvements including Duplex Pump Control Panel w/ SS Enclosure & SCADA Modifications, Soft Starters, Lighted Weather Shield, Grounding, Surge Protection, Conduit & Wiring and all necessary appurtenances. Remove & Replace 110 LF of 8-Foot Height Ornamental Aluminum Fencing w/ 16-foot wide Double Swing Gate. Furnish & Install Reinforced Concrete Retaining Wall (5 Cubic Yards). Furnish & Install 40 SY Reinforced Concrete Pavement. Provide Temporary Bypass Pumping as required during construction. FM 3097 Lift Station No. 2 Upgrades: Furnish & Install One 40-Hp Submersible Wastewater Pump Including Rails, Brackets, Elbows, Discharge Piping & Appurtenances, along with Electrical Improvements, including Replacement of Starter, Breaker, and Associated Components as required. Remove & Replace Wet Well Roof and Single Access Hatch With Double Leaf Access Hatche. Provide Temporary Bypass Pumping as required during construction. Rehabilitation of Existing Wet Well structure, including removal of existing coating system, and furnishing and installing new epoxy coating system. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of Rockwall TX
Derek Chaney
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Published 07/29/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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