ID 724351
Travis County
Owner Reference: IFB 5000 TJP1009
Bid Date: 10/15/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 10/01/2024 ID: 233 432 279 737 Passcode: 5yL8Yh Dial in by phone +1 512-831-7858,,34048450# United States, Austin. Find a local number Phone conference ID: 340 484 50#.
Trades: Electrical Signs & Signage Contractor: Exterior Advertising or Wayfinding, Non-Electrical Signs & Signage Contractor: Interior Advertising or Wayfinding
To establish an MA for blank aluminum and prefabricated traffic signs.
City of Austin TX
Tanisha Pappillion
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Published 09/29/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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