ID 721088
Webb County
Owner Reference: CSP 2024-009
Bid Date: 10/04/2024 at 04:00pm
Pre-Bid: 09/17/2024
Webb County Purchasing Department located on 1110 Washington St, Suite 101, Laredo, Tx 78040. A walk through of site with Project Architect and County Staff will follow at the Justice Center located at 1110 Victoria Street across the street. A Webb County public parking lot is located just west of the pre-bid meeting site for participating contractors to use.
Estimate: $4,500,00.00 to $4,700,000.00
Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities, *General Engineering Contractor GEC; Subcontractor Opportunities
Webb County is seeking competitive sealed proposals for building envelope replacements and repairs at the Justice Center (Main Building) and the Parking Structure located in the back of Main Building on 1110 Victoria Street, Laredo, Texas. Scope of Work includes but not limited to roofing (replace low slope roof system with a hybrid modified bitumen & KEE PVC roof system, as well as replacement of the copper metal panels over the vaulted roofs and other sheet metal flashing & trim in copper; insulated core panel roofing over the connecting hallway between Main Building and Parking), Facade Restoration and fenestration (masonry and glazing repairs/replacements, including storefront enclosures between the Main Building and Parking in the back); Concrete repairs at the connecting walkways and Parking; and Site/Foundation repairs (regrading of landscaped areas over the back of Main Building) as well as other repairs/replacements. The scope of work will also include all materials, labor, equipment and local building permits required to provide the requested scope of work. Bid shall be on a lump sum price basis – see bid form 00 4100, with alternate bid items as indicated in alternate form 00 4101. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
County of Webb TX
Juan Guerrero
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Published 09/07/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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