ID 714665


RFQ Property Appraisal Services, Hutto, TX

Williamson County

Owner Reference: RFQ No.2024-023-PD-06

Bid Date: 07/31/2024 at 01:00pm

Pre-Bid: 06/27/2024
Virtual via Teams meetings: using the following information: Meeting ID: 271 955 390 90, Password: sxPMWh.

Trades: *A&E Professional Services: Architecture, Engineering, Consultant, Consulting & Planning Services

The City of Hutto, a home rule municipality, is currently inviting solicitation responses to select consulting engineering services for all its departments. Qualified real estate appraisal service firms to provide Real Estate Appraisal Services for a variety of properties. The selected firms may be requested to assist the City in the acquisition of land on an “as-needed” basis. Documents may also be examined or obtained electronically at the City’s website

City of Hutto TX
 Kyle Tran
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Published 07/22/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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