ID 724677
Williamson County
Owner Reference: Bid # 2024-11
Bid Date: 10/23/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 10/04/2024
400 Porter St, Taylor, TX 76574.
Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services; Opportunities for Subcontractors, Building Maintenance, Installation & Repair Services - Renovations, Restoration, Repairs, Rehabilitation, Improvements, Site Preparation, Sitework, Prep Work/Prepwork - General Engineering Contractor, Excavation & Grading Contractor: Blasting, Boring, Trenching, Backfill, Digging - General Engineering Contractor, *Landscaping Contractor: Grounds Maintenance Grubbing Fertilizing Sodding Lawn Mowing Rooting Mulch Hardscaping Rockscaping, Earthwork & Paving Contractor, Asphalt, Land Clearing, Path & Trail Construction: General Engineering Contractor
The City of Taylor is requesting competitive sealed bids for the following project: Doris Roznovak Aquatic Center. The project consists of renovation of existing aquatic facility buildings and construction of new aquatic features. The project is located in Murphy Park, Taylor, Texas. Project work includes: site prep work; site demolition; site grading; aquatic construction; utility construction; decks; Bath House , Pump House , and Office building renovations; landscaping; hardscaping; paving; and all other work required in accordance with the plans and specifications. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.
City of Taylor TX
Sabrina Schmidt
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Published 10/01/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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