ID 634133


Stream Debris Removal Project, Greene County, NC

Greene County

Bid Date: 08/10/2022 at 12:00pm

Pre-Bid: 07/26/2022
Greene County Managers Conference Room, 229 Kingold Blvd. Snow Hill NC 28580

Trades: Tree Service Contractor: Tree Planting, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Rooting, Pruning, Stump Grinding, Emergency or Disaster Cleanup, Debris Removal & Refuse/Solid Waste Management & Removal (Includes Hauling) - General Engineering

The County of Greene is soliciting sealed bids for contractors and professional firms to perform the removal of stream debris in area streams throughout Greene County. The contractor will complete stream debris removal activities including cutting and removing downed trees, broken tops, and woody debris that impede or potentially impede water flow in the streams and tributaries.

County of Greene NC

Kyle J. DeHaven, County Manager
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Published 07/11/2022 on Construction Bid Source

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