ID 711107


Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for Robert Price Park, Tucson, AZ

Pima County

Owner Reference: 240227

Bid Date: 07/01/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 06/17/2024
(Non-Mandatory) Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 243 333 746 91 Passcode: JbgYiu ________________________________________ Dial in by phone +1 213-293-2303,,310911464# United States, Los Angeles Phone conference ID: 310 911 464#

Estimate: $7,600,000.00

Trades:  *At Risk Construction Management CMaR

It is the City of Tucson’s intention to initiate an RFQ for a CM@Risk for pre-construction and construction-phase services for the construction of improvements to Robert Price Park, located at 7001 S. Wilmot Rd., Tucson, Arizona. The CM@R team will be required to closely work together with all involved parties. The design and construction teams will be responsible to define, monitor and stay within the project budget and schedule. The budget is set for this project and additional funds are not available. The CM@Risk contractor for the project will ensure the team is adhering to the project schedule and will be responsible to provide repetitive cost and constructability alternatives throughout the pre-construction and construction process. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

City of Tucson AZ
 Sandra Alcorn
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Published 06/17/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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