ID 711902


Kayenta Center Construction Manager at Risk, Holbrook AZ

Yavapai County

Owner Reference: AS#24-02

Bid Date: 07/18/2024 at 05:00pm

Pre-Bid: 06/27/2024
A non-mandatory pre-submission conference and site visit has been scheduled and can only be attended either in person. The meetings physical location information is listed below and will also be emailed to all Offerors upon request. Meeting Physical Location: Northland Pioneer College Kayenta Center ¼ mile North of Highway Junction 160/163 on Highway 163 behind the Kayenta Township Office and next to the Kayenta Library

Estimate: $8,895,000

Trades: *At Risk Construction Management CMaR

The CMAR’s services shall be in two phases for each component of the project: The Preconstruction Phase and the Construction Phase. The budget includes the CMAR’s preconstruction phase fee and the GMP, the GMP shall include the CMR’s construction phase fee. The CMAR shall work closely with the Owner and Architect during the Construction Documents phase to ensure the budget is not exceeded. The GMPs shall be provided at the point where the contract documents are approximately 75% complete. The total of both GMPs shall not exceed the project construction budget. The CMAR will be responsible for: 1) ensuring that project is completed within the approved budget, 2) ensuring that the project is completed within the approved schedule, 3) ensuring that the project conforms to the College Facilities Standards, and 4) providing the following services: a. On or before 10/1/2024 (about 4 to 6 weeks after CMAR is awarded), the successful bidder will present College an evaluation of the adequacy of the project budget; b. Per Scope of work, develop a Construction Management plan including cost and time parameters, protocol and a complete management information system; c. Establish, monitor and enforce a construction schedule; d. Provide value engineering and constructability reviews as requested by College. within the overall design parameters; e. Prepare complete, line-item project cost estimates for 75% construction documents and reconcile these estimates with the architect’s and College’s estimates; f. Prepare Instructions to Bidders for subcontractor bids; (Architect will prepare all other bid documents, including General Conditions and Division I specifications.) g. Assist in the preparation of early bid packages, if determined to be beneficial by the team; h. Organize the project into multiple bid packages if necessary to maximize bidding and scheduling efficiencies; i. Recommend a schedule for procurement of long-lead items required to meet the projects schedule; j. Arrange for early procurement of materials and equipment; if determined to be beneficial by the team; k. Prequalification and selection of select subcontractors to assist during design completion as determined by the team; l. Analyze Navajo County construction market and promote project to obtain maximum bid competition; m. Identify, qualify and recommend selection of subcontractors for bid list. All subcontracted work shall be competitively bid; n. Manage and evaluate subcontractor bidding; o. Arrange for procurement of materials and equipment; p. Schedule and manage site operations throughout the required phases; q. Organize the work to minimize operations impact and user disruptions; r. Coordinate construction operations with the Owner; s. Provide, quality control; t. Bond and insure the construction; Proposal No.: AS #24-02 Page 8 of 18 u. Address the Owners concerns with quality; v. Ensure Confidentiality throughout the project; w. For major elements of the work, the CMAR would normally self-perform, secure two qualified competitive bids. If the CMAR wishes to bid on a project or an element, its bid will be number three and they all will be opened by the Owner. The Owner shall participate in opening and evaluating of these elements of the work. With Owner approval, award and administer the subcontract and material purchases. x. Establish and maintain a project financial status reporting system. y. Provide on-site services: i. Coordinate subcontractors and consultants; ii. Create, monitor, and enforce the construction schedule; iii. Analyze, negotiate and process change orders, for College and Architect’s approval; iv. Prepare project reports, minutes and schedules; v. Develop and implement a quality assurance plan; vi. Maintain the record document set; vii. Assist Architect in preparing punch list for each trade or subcontractor, and assist in substantial completion and final completion inspections; viii. Prepare contractor payment applications, and obtain partial lien releases from each subcontractor who performed work in the prior pay period; ix. Accept responsibility for contractor safety programs; x. Coordinate building commissioning; xi. Coordinate and facilitate preinstallation meetings; xii. Provide other services normally provided by the general contractor; z. Provide all closeout documents including: warranties, operating and maintenance Provide all close out documents including: warranties, operating and maintenance manuals, and as-built drawings in editable, electronic format (e.g. AutoCAD); aa. Manage the transfer of building operation to Owner; Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Northland Pioneer College (NPC) AZ
 Russell Kupfer
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Published 06/25/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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